Silicon Graphics Inc is to acquire Russian Internet software company JV ParaGraph in an attempt to boost its position in the internet hosted three-dimensional virtual reality modelling language arena. Paragraph’s US division in Campbell, California will be integrated into Silicon Graphic’s Mountain View site and will form part of a new Cosmo Software division, which will handle the company’s Cosmo VRML browser along with other internet software and the new Paragraph tools. The Russian arm of the business will remain at its offices in Moscow, and continue trading under the Paragraph name, but will be a wholly-owned subsidiary of Silicon Graphics. A spokesperson at Silicon Graphics said both companies were keen for the purchase to go ahead and said Cosmo will concentrate on the development of 3D technology for the Internet, with a view to creating an interactive Second Web. Financial details were not disclosed and it is understood that no job cuts are planned. VP and general manager of Silicon Graphics’ web products division Kai-Fu Lee becomes president of the new division. Paragraph was founded in 1989 by among others, world chess champion Garry Kasparov, and currently employs some 150 people, mostly at the company’s Moscow office. Silicon Graphics will honor existing agreements that Paragraph has with companies such as Microsoft Corp and Walt Disney Corp (CI No 3,060). á