Membership of the Open Software Foundation has now risen to 350, the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based organisation said last week. That figure includes 150 university and research organisations, and 90 large commercial and government end-users, as well as most of the major international hardware and software suppliers. The end-user roster includes the likes of Alcatel NV, Atlantic Richfield Co, Barclays Bank Plc, Boeing Co, British Petroleum Co Plc, CitiCorp, DuPont Co, Exxon Corp, Georgia Pacific Inc, Mobil Corp, J P Morgan & Co, Liberty Mutual Life Insurance Co, Lotus Development Corp, Martin Marrietta Inc, Merrill Lynch & Co, Nippon Telephone & Telegraph Corp, Reuters Holdings Plc, Schlumberger Ltd, Sharp Corp, Sony Corp, Sprint Corp, TRW Inc, Unilever Ltd, and the Union Bank of Switzerland AG. New among industry companies are Boole & Babbage Inc, GTE Corp and Novell Inc. Newest of all is San Francisco-based Peerlogic Inc, which develops and markets PIPES Platform for distributed computing. IBM Business Partner Peerlogic says that its technology enables programs to communicate efficiently over heterogeneous networks.