Oracle Corp has formed the Object Definition Alliance to create a common standard for software used to run multimedia programming on a variety of communications networks. At the moment, multimedia developers have to create multiple versions of their software to satisfy the numerous networks, hardware and operating systems that are emerging in various industries. The proposed common standard would enable interactive software developers to create programming that could be used on multiple networks including the World Wide Web, on-line networks, Integrated Services Digital Network and broadband cable networks. The alliance plans to use building blocks of programming code to manage services such as billing, credit, security, user indentification, parental control and other such services. Members of the group include Apple Computer Inc, Compaq Computer Corp, Time Warner Inc’s Home Box Office unit, Kaleida Labs Inc, Taligent Inc, MasterCard International, MCI Communications Corp, NeXT Computer Inc, the Object Management Group, PriceCostco Inc, Sun Microsystems Inc, VeriFone Inc, Visa International, Wells Fargo & Co and Xerox Corp.