OnApp has launched version 2.2 of its cloud management software for hosting providers.

Version 2.2 of OnApp introduces autoscaling and load balancing for virtual machines hosted in the cloud, as well as support for the Free BSD operating system.

The company said that OnApp software was developed from the ground up to enable mass-market hosts to build their own cloud hosting services.

Version 2.2 supports ‘autoscale up’ and ‘autoscale out’ for virtual machines based on Linux operating systems.

‘Autoscale up’ enables a virtual machine hosted in the cloud to requisition more server resource automatically when it reaches a configurable threshold, while ‘Autoscale out’ clones a virtual machine when similar thresholds are met.

OnApp 2.2 automatically calculates billing for the additional resources, said the company.

OnApp 2.2’s load balancing features are powered by Loadbalancer.org, a provider of load balancing technology.

The new version also adds support for virtual machines based on the FreeBSD operating system, a Linux-based OS that offers advanced networking, performance, security and compatibility features, said the company.

OnApp CEO Ditlev Bredahl said the new version is a major release of OnApp cloud management software.

Bredahl said, "Our mission is to make the cloud as simple and affordable as possible for all hosting providers, without compromising on high-end functionality. By introducing autoscaling and load balancing we’re bringing cutting-edge cloud features to the mass market for the first time, and enabling even a small host to compete with the likes of AWS – but in a customer-friendly way, and at a fraction of the cost."

The new version can be set up in 24 hours and existing OnApp customers can request a free upgrade through their OnApp support team, said the company.