Fort Lee, New Jersey-based On-Line Software International Inc says that Filesave/RCS Release 3.3 is available immediately. This release of the journal management and recovery control system includes CICS 3.2.1 support and new features like IAM dataset support, a Global Restore option, more flexibility in the TSO/ISPF environment, a new option for Recovery JCL Generation, and improvements in Record Filebackup. Support for IBM’s new CICS release enables Filesave/RCS 3.3 to archive CICS journals in a CICS 3.2.1 region. The product also provides support for IAM datasets to meet the growing needs of IAM users. The Global Restore Option gives Release 3.3 compatibility with back-up facility products like IBM’s DFDSS and Innovation Data Processing’s FDR. This is said to eliminate the need to use VSAM’s Repro function to implement back-ups and the need to perform a Restore step for each dataset. Also release 3.3 can generate restore JCL only, without having to produce recovery JCL. In the TSO/ISPF environment, the LIBDEF facility in ISPF is used to its full extent, allowing access to multiple Filesave Journal Control Datasets. During the generate recovery JCL function, users can choose to ignore the Unit and Volser parameters for the journals recorded to the Journal Control Dataset. Release 3.3 is claimed to show a significant improvement in reducing the processing time and input-outputs involved in performing Record Filebackup by Catalog and VTOC. Filesave/RCS, Release 3.3 is available at no charge to On-Line Software International users currently in the Filesave/RCS maintenance plan.