Cable & Wireless Plc’s London-headquartered Mercury Communications Ltd has launched its first Intelligent Network service as Mercury OneCall. Essentially a call management offering, OneCall provides users with a single number for their speech, facsimile machine and pagers, and comprises a call forwarding, caller identification, speech and fax mailbox package. The service is being offered with two tariff options, for the medium and the frequent user. The monthly charge for the former is #10, with a usage charge per minute of 10p, while the latter costs #30 a month and 6p per minute. Users also pay the cost of outgoing and paging calls made by OneCall. Outgoing calls are defined by Mercury as connecting incoming calls to a user’s forwarding numbers, sending faxes, placing calls and call backs. These call charges will be tariffed at 3 pence per minute for 071/081 and adjacent dial code destinations, and 7p per minute for other UK destinations. International and special numbers, such as mobile phones, will be charged at low rate, based on the largest discounts available to customers directly connected to the Mercury network. There is no connection fee. OneCall is initially available on 071, 081, FreeCall 0500 and LocalCall 0645 numbers, and Mercury promises that availability for non-London dial codes will be rolled out in line with customer demand.