The first fruits of the work of the Intel-led working group looking to standardize the connections between flat panel display and PCs will be unveiled at the Intel Developer’s Forum in Palm Springs next week. The group, now christened the Digital Display Working Group, was formed last year to speed up similar efforts by the VESA Video Electronics Standards Association (CI No 3,499). Aside from Intel, the group includes Compaq Computer Corp, Dell Computer Corp, Fujitsu Ltd, Hewlett-Packard Co, IBM Corp, Microsoft Corp and NEC Corp, and hinges around the PanelLink technology developed by Silicon Image Inc, a Cupertino, California-based firm formed in 1995, and Compaq’s Digital Flat Panel scheme. At the Developer’s Forum, the group plans to present the work it has agreed on so far and lay out a roadmap for the technology over the next ten years. The first compliant products could appear by the end of this year, or early next. Meanwhile, the US Display Consortium and Needham & Co are holding a Flat Panel Display Investors Conference in New York on March 2. Around 20 publicly and privately held companies are to make presentations to an audience of venture capitalists, investment bankers and money managers.