Intel has launched the Xeon Processor 5600 series microprocessors which offer two new security features Advanced Encryption Standard New Instructions (Intel AES-NI), and Trusted Execution Technology (Intel TXT) that enable faster encryption and decryption performance for secure transactions and virtualised environments.
Based on Intel 32nm logic technology, the 5600 series supports up to six cores per processor and delivers up to 60% greater performance than its predecessor 5500 series, enabling data centres to replace 15 single-core servers with a single 5600 series server.
The company said that the frequency-optimised quad-core version of 5600 series peaks at 3.46GHz with a TDP of 130W, while the six-core version reaches 3.33GHz with a TDP of 130W. Advanced six-core versions will top out at 2.93GHz and TDP of 95W, and the standard quad-core processor will reach 2.66GHz at 80W. Low voltage versions of the chip will have TDPs as low as 60W and 40W and feature six and four cores respectively.
Intel has also launched Xeon processor L3406 series with a TDP of 30W, and three processors for the embedded computing segment, including the first six-core processors, the Intel Xeon E5645 and L5638, the quad-core L5618 and E5620 processors built for thermally constrained and communications environments.
In addition, Intel has also launched Core i7-980X Processor Extreme Edition, a six-core processor with 12 computing threads for client applications. Running at 3.33GHz, Core i7-980X is overclocking-enabled to provide flexibility to advanced users who want to adjust their speed settings, and has 12MB of Intel Smart Cache – 50% more than the current Intel desktop processor, the company said.
Kirk Skaugen, vice president and general manager of the Intel Architecture Group, said: “The Intel Xeon Processor 5600 series will be the backbone of mainstream computing environments. New security capabilities will boost the confidence of IT managers.”
The Intel Xeon processor 5600 series price range from $387 to $1,663, and E5645, L5638 and L5618 embedded processors are priced at $958, $958 and $530, respectively, in quantities of 1,000. The Intel Core i7-980X is priced at $999 in 1000-unit quantities.