Internet Initiative Japan (IIJ), an internet access and comprehensive network solutions providers, said that it will commercialise the modular eco-data centre based on the results of the proof of concept testing conducted in February, with construction beginning in June 2010.

IIJ said that it will use the new data centre as a facility for its GIO cloud service and will expand those facilities to an estimated 20 modules (housing 5,000 servers) as demand for the service rises.

The company plans for 5 modules (housing 1,600 servers) to be built and operational by February 2011 at a cost of about JPY1.1bn.

In addition, IIJ said that it will strengthen ties with local governments and power company groups, to examine the possibility of opening multiple data centres nationwide.

The new data centre will reduce the current facility costs of GIO by 40%, raising the cost competitiveness of the cloud service and reducing annual CO2 emissions by about 4000 tons in comparison with conventional data centres, the company claims.