NetView 2.2 supports SystemView

IBM has a new version of NetView with TCP/IP support: NetView Version 2 Release 2 which runs in MVS/ESA, MVS/XA, VM/ESA, VM and VSE environments. It provides LU6.2 transport capability, extends NetView Graphic Monitor Facility support to VM/ESA, as well as offering enhancements to the current NetView automation capabilities. With the LU6.2 transport facility, users can write applications on non-SNA devices that communicate directly to NetView without going through intermediate service points. The new version of NetView also provides SystemView automation services for the System/370 and System/390 environments as well as NetView Graphic Monitor Facility which provides integrated graphics and a new end-user interface that more easily enables users to access large quantities of information. This facility features graphic support for monitoring SNA networks and resources from central system and stand-alone system NetView, conforming to IBM’s new SystemView definition. The Netcenter graphic option provides customers with the ability to monitor and control SNA and non-SNA resources from an MS-DOS graphics workstation. Netcenter host code is available to customers at no additional charge when they order NetView Version 2 for MVS/ESA or MVS/XA. NetView Bridge provides an interface to enable users to write NetView applications for accessing and updating external databases. For example, an interface to IBM’s Info/Management product is designed to enaable customers to automate their problem procedures more effectively. NetView Version 2 Release 2 for MVS/ESA and MVS/XA environments is scheduled to be available September 30, 1991 – it comes out for the VSE environment December 31, 1991 and arrives for VM environments on March 31, 1992. Charges are as follows: Central system NetView ranges from $437 to $5,760 for the monthly licence charge – distributed system NetView ranges from $251 to $3,315 for the monthly licence charge while similar Stand-alone charges range from $289 to $3,815.

The 3172 controller attaches multi- vendor local networks to Escon

The IBM 3172 Interconnect Controller announced earlier this year is a controller that attaches multiple local area networks to multiple host computers. It provides customers with a tool for integrating different kinds of local area networks with host computers using multiple operating systems. It is IBM’s first product to support the Fibre Distributed Data Interface standard for trans-mitting data at up to 100Mbps. This will help make it possible for host computers and high-speed local area networks to share large amounts of data. In addition, the 3172 Models 1 and 2 support IBM’s Systems Network Architecture and will support the Open Systems Interconnection standard. The 3172 will support the new Enterprise Systems Connection Architecture Escon – for transmission of data between host computers using fast fibre optic communication lines spanning six miles.

Two versions of VTAM, one expands storage, the other supports FDDI

Along with controller enhancements, IBM issued new releases of VTAM. VTAM Version 3 Release 3 for the new VSE/ESA and VM/ESA operating systems enables customers to use larger programs and build larger networks. For VM users, virtual storage capacity has been expanded from 16Mb to 2Gb of data, a 125-fold improvement. VSE/ESA-users will find that VTAM now occupies its own private address space on the host computer, thereby freeing up more space and accommodating larger applications and more complex networks. VTAM Version 3 Release 4 for MVS/ESA, VM/ESA and VM/SP operating systems supports direct communication between host applications and SNA devices on several types of local area networks, including FDDI. In addition, this version of VTAM increases the availability of networks by enabling customers to add devices to networks without disrupting their operation. It also supports the 3172 controller along with the newly unveiled Escon channel.

Two new 3174 controllers offer direct support for up to 64 devices

The two newest 3174 Est

ablishment Controller Models, 12L and 22L, support the new System/390 Escon architecture, which can grant customers access to applications and data on up to eight host computers through one fibre optic link. This will improve productivity for end users and overall network availability. Customers using devices attached by coaxial cable can now support up to 64 devices attached directly instead of the previous limit of 32. Meanwhile, the new 3299 Terminal Multiplexer Model 32 enables attachment of up to 32 devices to large 3174 models. It attaches to the 3174 using fibre optic lines, as well as coaxial cabling and the IBM Cabling System. For customers using Token-Ring local area networks, host access is also enhanced, since intelligent workstations on a Token-Ring Network can now access up to three hosts concurrently through a single 3174 gateway. Improved access to host computers also enables users to switch between applications and information in local and remote hosts. There have been some improvements to the 3745 Communication Controller via the new channel adaptor, which IBM claims means that users will discover a 25% improvement for batch processing. And one day, the humble 3745 will support the new fibre optic Escon networking capability.

Token Ring announcements for network functionality, Ethernet management IBM Token Ring announcements included the 8230 Token-Ring Controlled Access Unit which is a device attachment unit that can identify and isolate a malfunctioning node, automatically recover, or remove and bypass the failing component so that the network remains functional; and the enhanced 8209 Ethernet Attachment Module that allows LAN Network Manager to manage Token-Ring nets connected through an Ethernet local network.