Hunter Systems Inc, whose XDOS is regarded by cognoscenti as the most elegant and effective means of supporting MS-DOS code under the Unix operating system has integrated the XDOS binary compiler with the X Window System via a recently signed deal with its neighbour, Mountain View, California-based Eakins Associates Inc, which sells on a line of X Window Visual Display terminals from Visual Technology Inc, Lowell, Massachusetts. Using XDOS, which converts MS-DOS applications into a binary format so that they can run as native Unix programs, X users will be able to run XDOS-converted applications on X display stations alongside Unix programs, with support for cut-and-paste between text, spreadsheet, database and graphics applications. So far, XDOS works with MS-DOS applications such as Lotus 1-2-3, WordPerfect, dBase III Plus, WordStar Professional and MultiMate Advantage II, and can run on Motorola 68000 family hardware from Sun Microsystems Inc, Sony Corp, NCR Corp, Unisys Corp, Motorola Inc, Bull SA and Arix Corp, with support for Apollo, Hewlett-Packard and Xenix 386. Eakins will be marketing the software with its Model 640 XDS which has a 14 monitor and with the new X-19 model with a 19 monitor.