The latest funding brings the total for the round to an impressive $65m. Advanced Equities Financial, a Chicago investment banking house, raised $40m of the $65m round. Only two months ago, NTP (an Arlington, Virginia-based patent holding company) invested an undisclosed amount in Good as part of a licensing agreement.

The wireless email software maker and service provider is already one of the best-funded outfits in Silicon Valley, and has now raised a total amount of more than $200m over the past five years. The company itself was founded in May 2000 with $6m in first-round funding from Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and Benchmark Capital.

All this funding has helped Good Technology in its battle against RIM. This fight boiled over a couple of years ago when both companies sued each other.

Good filed a pre-emptive suit seeking a declaratory judgment, before RIM returned fire with a patent infringement suit. The two fought until March last year, when they reached a settlement under which Good was to surrender a lump sum followed by ongoing royalty payments.

RIM in March also settled with NTP, paying $450m to close out another lawsuit.

The funding is just another indication how tough the IPO market for IT companies is at the moment in the US, with the Santa Clara, California-based outfit preferring another funding round instead of braving the markets with a listing.