The new Friends Reunited

Friends Reunited came on the scene in early 2000 and became popular in the UK. The site was aimed at bringing together old school friends and work colleagues who had lost touch with each other.

However, sites like Facebook proved to be too much of a competition and Friends Reunited was sold off to ITV in 2005. ITV paid £175m for the site and later sold it to digital publishing group, Brightsold, for £25m in 2010; a fraction of the price ITV originally paid for it.

The social networking site’s new owner, Brightsold, plans to draw users back to the site by emphasising privacy settings that put the users in control, allowing people to store video and images privately, to share them with some, or to make them available for the public to see.

The site plans to focus on a feeling of nostalgia and features a new photographic archive for people to use when posting up memories on the site.

Over the past decade Friends Reunited has registered over 24 million users. According to the Telegraph the site currently has around 1.5 million unique visitors per month.

The site will be available on March 27 and users are allowed to sign up for the site through their Facebook accounts.

Click below to see the site’s video that reveals more about how it’s moving in a new direction.
