The entrepreneur whose advertising firm AdMob was sold to Google for $750m is to be the keynote speaker at Croydon Tech City‘s autumn launch event.

Russell Buckley, also special advisor for the Government’s venture capital unit, will talk at CTC’s September 19 launch event as he tries to elevate the UK’s tech scenes to the status of Silicon Valley.

He said: "[My personal mission] is to spend the next 10 years helping the UK to become a world class part of the tech scene and one which regularly produces mega-successes like the next Twitter, the next Facebook or the next Amazon."

First employee and MD of AdMob, the mobile advertising firm sold to Google in 2009 and powers adverts on numerous mobileplatforms including Android, iOS, Windows Phone and web browsers.

His work with the venture capital unit focuses on attracting outside funding for UK tech startups and to address the funding gap for new tech companies trying to get off the ground.

As well as the keynote speech, the evening at Matthews Yard in Croydon will also feature presentations from the CTC team and demos from local startups.