Digital Equipment Corp is opening up its database policy for Ultrix-based VAXes in the US by signing up distribution agreements with both Oracle Corp and Informix Software Inc. Both agreements grant DEC non-exclusive US marketing rights to the products – sounds so condescending, doesn’t it, when database companies must in fact be falling over themselves to get their products promoted on hardware that sells as well as DEC’s does. The agreements include Oracle’s database management system, applications development language tools, and decision-support software, and Informix Software Inc’s Informix-4GL, Rapid Development System, SQL, ESQL/C, Turbo and C-ISAM. Software will be marketed on the full range of VAX processors running Ultrix from the MicroVAX II and MicroVAX 3000 series up to the newly announced VAX 6800 and 8800 series, and the deal includes joint promotions between DEC and the software vendors. So far the agreements are for the US only.