Citrix Systems Inc, currently holding its user group meeting in Florida, says that it now has over 15 million users, and 3.5 million concurrent user licenses for its Independent Computing Architecture protocol, first introduced back in 1995. ICA is used as the protocol between Windows NT Terminal Server Edition and thin client terminals, through the Citrix WinFrame and MetaFrame product. Microsoft has its own alternative – the RDP Remote Desktop Protocol – which it’s been talking about since at least 1997. That’s finally due to emerge onto the market with Windows 2000. But until then ICA is the only option. Last year the total installed base grew 87%, says Citrix, and overtook the installed base of X-Window users.

Web-based applications, of course, could conceivably bypass both ICA and RDP, which is why Citrix has begun supplementing MetaFrame with web options through the Vertigo software it previewed earlier in the week, acquired from ViewSoft Inc.

Citrix says it now has 100 OEMS for ICA, the newest being Tampa, Florida-based start-up EndPoints Inc, a thin chip company developing a single-chip system for very low-cost terminals and web browser devices. EndPoints says it will incorporate the ICA protocol directly onto the semiconductor. The company, formed earlier this year, hasn’t revealed timescales for the commercial availability of its first products. Other new licensees include Automation Control Products Inc, Brace AB, Cedar Systems Inc, Cyber Automation Inc, InsynQ Data Utilities Inc, NTS Computer Systems Ltd, PRAIM,, Sherwood Network Inc and ThinRetail Inc. Citrix says devices supporting ICA now range from Linux-based terminals, handheld devices, set-top boxes, point-of- sale devices, and over 40 types of Windows-based terminals.

Also at the Citrix event, IBM Corp’s Lotus Development Corp said it would support access to Lotus Notes and Domino-based applications using Citrix application-server software. Citrix also formed a Developer Network to encourage independent software and hardware vendors to incorporate Citrix technology into their products.