Barcelona-based CCS, Centro de Calculo de Sabadell SA, a software specialist that did $84.6m in 1994, has now set its sights on hardware business with the creation of a subsidiary to distribute the high-end SNX range of servers from Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA. The subsidiary, to be known as Multimix Sistemas Informaticos Profesionales and 100% owned by Centro de Calculo, has an exclusive distribution agreement with the Italian for Spain, Portugal and Andorra and is aiming for sales of some 1,000 units and turnover of around $4m in 1996. Speaking to Computerworld Espana, Pere Galbany, a member of the board, explained that the company, which has a history of OEM agreements with Compaq Computer Corp, Hewlett-Packard Co, Digital Equipment Corp, Olivetti and IBM Corp, has had an excellent relationship with Olivetti for some years and is undertaking the venture at the express suggestion of the Italian. Centro de Calculo already has a well-established network of software distributors, who will be given the opportunity to become involved with Multimix. Galbany acknowledged Compaq and Hewlett-Packard’s domination of the server market, but saw no reason why Olivetti should not be challenging for third position. Multimix will be airing the slogan: Buy an Olivetti server. If you are not convinced, we will refund your money. Asked to define convinced, Galbany claimed that if a client were not satisfied with the memory capacity or processing speed of a server, it would indeed be given a refund. Repair service will be available through Oliserve, while the distributor will be responsible for technical checks and on-site set-up. Multimix is to employ eight staff and will require an initial investment of $126,000 from Centro. Galbany agreed that the venture could represent the starting- point for a diversification of business for Centro de Calculo.