AT&T Computer Systems has signed up the DMR Group Inc, KPMG Peat Marwick and The Constell Group Inc to provide consultancy services for customers using its Rhapsody business orchestration integrated office software. It also announced with new pricing arrangements for the suite, which is now available in Rhapsody Base and Rhapsody Complete hardware-software server versions. Rhapsody Base includes a 33MHz Intel 80386-based Workgroup Unix server with 8Mb RAM, 600Mb disk, 120Mb tape streamer, StarLAN 10 network hardware, StarGroup LAN manager server software, 9,600 baud modem, PMX/StarMail, a 20-user Rhapsody package including Windows 3.0, documentation, installation and support – it costs $57,000. Rhapsody Complete includes the same Base hardware and software plus Meeting Manager and Task Manager business orchestration applications. It is priced at $100,000. On the client side, a single-user system for use with either Rhapsody Base or Complete, which includes a 12MHz 80286-based MS-DOS Workgroup system with 4Mb RAM, 40Mb disk, colour monitor, client networking hardware and software, Rhapsody client software, PMX/StarMail and third-party word processing and spreadsheet applications costs $7,300. A 20-user software-only version of Rhapsody Base server starts at $35,500, Rhapsody Complete costs $78,500 and Rhapsody Client is priced at $3,000.