Quick off the mark, Chips and Technologies Inc, San Jose, California has introduced a 16MHz four-chip AT-alike set to match Advanced Micro’s new 16MHz version of the 80286 (CI No 743). The company also has a new VGA CHIPSet compatible with IBM’s new Video Graphics Adaptor from the PS/2. The CS8221 New Enhanced AT CHIPSet consists of three new circuits, the 82C211 Bus/Clock Controller, the 82C212 Interleaved Page Mode Memory Controller which implements the Lotus-Intel-Microsoft Expanded Memory Specifications in hardware, the 82C215 Address/Data Buffer, and a 16MHz version of the existin 82C206 Integrated Peripherals Controller. With the new VGA graphics chips and the multifunction input-output chips introduced a month ago, Chips & Technologies reckons clonemakers can design and produce AT-alikes that that outperform IBM’s PS/2 Models 50 and 60 in speed, features, flexibility and cost, in particular speeding up OS/2 as well as MS-DOS systems and applications. The new AT CHIPSet comes in 12MHz and 16MHz versions at $108.90 for the CS8221-12, $136.80 for the CS8221-16 for 100-up. Samples are out now, volume in November. The new VGA CHIPSet also offers compatibility to EGA, CGA, Hercules and MDA software. It consists of the 82A441 full-custom CMOS VGA Display Controller that includes the registers necessary for backward compatibility; and the 82A442 a bipolar VGA Bus Interface that includes an integrated interface to the Inmos G171 Palette DAC. The chip set supports IBM’s new 31.5KHz analogue monitors, as well as EGA, MultiSync, CGA and monochrome monitors, and comes in at $40.50 when you want 1,000 or more.