Privately-held IT services company Aris Corporation, based in Seattle, Washington, has acquired Cray Solutions, the Dallas-based software consulting arm of Cray Research Inc (now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Silicon Graphics Inc). Cray Solutions specializes in Oracle consultancy, and was acquired by Cray Research back in 1994, when it was known as Savant Systems (CI No 2,505). Aris is a 225 person, $23m outfit founded five years ago. In May of this year it acquired SQLSoft Inc, a Microsoft systems integrator based in neighboring Bellevue, and says it has other acquisition targets in the wings it’s not yet free to talk about. Aris is buying companies for their skilled employees, their clients, and their locations, and is looking next at the San Francisco area. It is also building up a product division, and recently launched the Aris Database Workbench for Java, which helps developers create Java applications which can dynamically interact with ODBC compliant databases.