Taiwan-based smartphone maker HTC has been accused by Apple of patent infringements.

Apple has filed a complaint filed with the US International Trade Commission (ITC) and the case could lead to a temporary ban on US imports of HTC’s products including its new Flyer tablet computers.

In its second complaint against HTC, Apple has accused that the Taiwanese company is infringing five patents related to software architecture and user interfaces, and hardware for touch screens and movement sensors.

HTC has denied such accusations and said that it is disappointed that Apple has resorted to the court instead of market to fight competition.

HTC’s tablet devices run on Android, Google’s OS for mobile phones.

HTC general counsel said, "HTC is dismayed that Apple has resorted to competition in the courts rather than the marketplace."

"HTC continues to vehemently deny all of Apple’s past and present claims against it and will continue to protect and defend its own intellectual property as it has already done this year."

HTC shares plunged over 4% after Apple sued the company over fears that the Taiwanese company would need to pay Apple hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation.