Apollo Computer Inc, Chelmsford, Massachusetts is taking artificial intelligence very seriously indeed, and has announced a whole string of new agreements and extensions to its products, notably signing joint marketing pacts with two of the leaders, IntelliCorp and Teknowledge Inc. It will be marketing IntelliCorp’s KEE Knowledge Engineering Environment, and Teknowledge’s S.1 and M.1 on its Domain workstations. Apollo also plans to offer enhanced versions of standard artificial intelligence software development systems, and has new agreements with six third-party hardware and software suppliers: it has also picked up Franz Extended Common Lisp from Franz Inc; the Kurzweil VoiceSystem from Kurzweil Applied Intelligence; Mercury Computer Systems Inc’s signal and image processors; the Smalltalk-80 System from Xerox ParcPlace Systems; OPS83 from Production Systems Technologies Inc; and the Phonetic Engine from Speech Systems Inc. Apollo also plans to offer enhanced versions of the Domain CommmonLisp environment being developed for it by Lucid Inc, and Quintus Computer Systems Inc has added enhanced Version 2.0 of its Quintus Prolog development system. In addition, Apollo is working with Texas Instruments Inc to integrate the Explorer symbolic processing station with the Domain System. A recently introduced Common Lisp cross-compiler developed by Lucid Inc, will also enable software developed on Symbolics Inc’s specialised systems to be converted to Domain/CommonLisp.