VSoft says IMM will offer VSoft’s Branch Item Capture, eDesk Genesis, and Returns as a branch solution seamlessly integrated with its TotaleReceipts software to deliver a Teller Level Check 21 Receipt Solution.
VSoft explained that its eDesk Branch Item Capture product enables users to capture item images at the branch rather than transporting them to the central operations center. Branch personnel are said to use small capture devices to capture the item data and image. As items are captured at the branch throughout the day, the item image and MICR data are sent electronically to a central processing location. This allows even distribution of staffing hours as the personnel in the central site process work (data and images) all day long as it comes in from the branches.
John Levy, executive VP of IMM, said, Partnering with VSoft gives our customers the ability to extend TotaleReceipts into the check imaging arena. VSoft’s proven scalability, extensive partnerships with corporate credit unions, leagues, and credit union service organizations and expertise combined with the power of TotaleReceipts positions us to provide a solution in the Check 21 imaging industry to the benefit of our current and prospective customers.