Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer just a sci-fi fantasy. It’s here and fits right into our data-driven world. Many people don’t realise they already use AI technology daily. Do you use voice recognition on your smartphone? Then you’re using AI technology.

Despite the impressive growth of AI over the last few decades, it’s still in its infancy. We’re only scratching the surface. This makes it a pivotal time to be part of this industry.

Consumers are using more and more apps and smart technology. This is driving the global AI market. Couple that with the growing use of AI to improve customer services, and you see the depth of its potential.

So how is AI evolving and, more importantly, how will it improve our lives? The answer is far from simple. AI will improve most, if not all, aspects of our everyday life.

AI will help make drones, connected cars, connected appliances and robots an everyday reality. Imagine 3 years from now: The internet of things (IoT) and other new technologies will create an explosion of communication.

Collaboration to create new bot software

We see a future where you’ll be able to communicate with your home appliances to make shopping requests to prepare a meal, your self-driving car will take itself for repairs and back home without you lifting a finger. The possibilities are endless.

But it doesn’t stop there. AI goes beyond convenience and enters the world of saving lives. The first step toward advanced AI is smart automation and predictive analytics.

Today, smart watches monitor your heart rate, blood pressure and the number of steps you’ve taken in a day. Soon, smart devices may collect advanced vital signs from blood tests, glucose measurements and more. And the technology would collect this routinely, just like visiting your doctor.

AI is set to be able to change the medical industry. It could help identify abnormalities and early signs of illnesses and reduce hospital visits and wait times. And, perhaps most importantly, it might detect health concerns faster than routine check-ups. It could even suggest the best course of treatment based on billions of data points.

In business, AI is becoming crucial in identifying network threats and keep information and communications secure. It will also improve the customer experience by speeding the time it takes to address an issue. These clever systems will offer a personalised and connected experience for every customer. They will gauge and predict customers’ behaviors and provide proactive recommendations to match offers and services that appeal to them.

AT&T is changing AI and the network. We are making it more secure, self-healing and self-resilient. And AI is changing the way we do things. It’s helping us improve the flow of traffic on our network, which is vital as we evolve toward 5G.robot consumers

The power of machine learning and AI will let us better process this large volume of traffic, detect and resolve security attacks, improve traffic flow on our network, and optimize our network bandwidth and resources around the clock. Giving way to more efficient use of our network and improved experiences for customers.

AI is expected to impact all aspects of product development and innovation. And it starts with making AI more accessible. We are working on tools that will make the development of machine learning and AI systems as easy as creating a website. Our target audience is anyone with an undergraduate degree – even those without programming experience.

While AI is already a part of our lives now, we have a long way to go. We will continue to research and create intelligent systems that can adapt, learn and mature over time. AI will only be further embedded in our daily lives.