AI has exploded in recent years as organisations hurry to innovate, but while AI jobs have multiplied in Britain, there are not enough qualified people to do them.

Since 2014 only, available jobs in artificial intelligence have increased by an astronomical 485 percent.

This growth has been met by a steadier 178 percent increase in the interest in such jobs in the past three and a half years.

This surging spike has caused there to be twice as many jobs in this field as there are qualified individuals to fill the new positions.

The well-known jobsite, Indeed, has revealed this great skills rift opened up by the growing demand for high-tech skills, finding that a ratio of 2.3 roles were available for every suitable candidate.

Mariano Mamertino, EMEA Economist at global job site Indeed, said: ‘’Employers in every sector are keen to utilise artificial intelligence and need workers with the right skills to fill these roles. Our data shows that competition for this shallow pool of candidates is fierce, with the numbers of available roles outstripping potential new hires.”

General concern regarding a widening tech skills gap has been growing in recent years, with critical spaces such as cybersecurity in desperate need highly qualified individuals.

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“The AI sector is likely to keep growing as the potential for the widespread application of the technology, across different industries, becomes more clear. Investing in education and the right skills needed to propel the industry forward will be key to its growth in the coming years,” Mamertino said.

This colossal supply and demand issue regarding AI skills may be remedied by a government driven education initiative, comparable to those put in place to encourage science, maths and engineering skills.