Instagram has released the version 3.0 of its mobile photo-sharing app for Android, which includes upgraded user profiles, photo maps, infinite scrolling and smarter sharing

The vital feature is Photo Map, which will geotag user photos and takes the user to recently posted photos, allowing to rediscover previously Instagrammed memories.

User can also explore other’s Photo Map on Instagram, if the particular public or private user has approved photos to appear on their map.

With the new feature, user can edit the map at any time and can opt each and every photo added to the map. It also allows users to select and deselect geotagged photos, so that they only share the photos with locations that they want with followers.

When users access the photo map for the first time, they are prompted to select photos previously uploaded with geolocation turned on.

The Geotagged photographs are visible on some third-party services utilising Instagram’s API, such as and

Photos tagged with a location will also appear on that location’s page and the location name will be visible on the photo share URL.

Private users’ photos are never visible to other users that they have not permitted to follow them.

Instagram 3.0 is available for download in every country and is translated into English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese and Spanish.