Computer Sciences Corp finally landed its long-awaited computer services contract with number-three aerospace and defense company, Raytheon Co, after an expensive tender period, which has run into years. ComputerWire said last month that CSC was likely to pip market-leading IBM Global Services to the contract following a multi-year run-off with its computer services rival. El Segundo, California-based CSC, ranked number five in the services market, was close to inking a deal in the fall of 1998 before Raytheon got cold feet.

The contract to manage a large portion of Raytheon’s IT infrastructure including mainframes and data centers in Texas, Pennsylvania, Kansas and Massachusetts is worth $65m a year for an undisclosed number of years. It is reputedly worth more than $1bn in revenue over the lifespan of the contract, according to unsubstantiated reports before yesterday’s announcement.

CSC will also handle help-desk support for 90,000 users, and network operations, to include voicemail and telephone systems. CSC will commence work on the contract during the first quarter of next year. Under the deal, 300 Raytheon employees will be offered jobs with CSC, the companies said.