Web, cloud, and mobile applications provider Calcey Technologies has added two new features its Xaffo, the online social media monitoring tool for businesses to examine social media activity for their brand’s web and social media pages.

The first update will help businesses achieve brand-centric social media analytics and users to create brand names within Xaffo to manage web and social media properties under that brand.

The second update allows users to create a Xaffo account instead of using OpenID which offers users its own sign-up process.

Xaffo’s brand-centric approach will help subscribers to analyse their social media activities by brand. Users can also create multiple brands to manage web and social media properties per brand efficiently.

Xaffo Founder Mangala Karunaratne said enabling its users to maintain their brands instead of website domains strengthens Xaffo’s capabilities for centralised analytics.

"This makes Xaffo a more powerful social media monitoring tool for small business or enterprise subscribers," Karunaratne said.