PKSOrygen Europe has opened a new head office in the City of London which it hopes will make it a leading supplier of IT services to the UK financial community. PKSOrygen already has close links to institutions such as Bank of Ireland, Prudential Collective Investments, Chase Manhattan Bank and AIB Bank.

PKSOrygen will concentrate on application-based services ranging from custom development and maintenance to legacy renewal. It intends to work more closely in future with its parent company, Omaha, Nebraska-based telecoms network firm Level 3 Communications Inc, to offer network management solutions once it is more established in Europe. As well as financial services PKSOrygen intends to push its sales to the telecoms and transport sectors.

Around 15 consultants are currently based in London complementing the 120 already based in the company’s Limerick, Ireland-based development center and about 40 more in Dublin. PKS has around 1,000 US consultants.

The new unit brings together the existing PKS Systems Integration (UK) Ltd in London and Orygen Ltd, a Dublin, Ireland-based services vendor bought by PKS Systems Integration LLC, a subsidiary of Level 3 Communications, in July 1998.