Resonate Inc has teamed with FullTime Software to provide content replication along with the web site management package, Resonate Global Dispatch. FullTime vice president of strategic marketing Rebel Brown says Resonate has four or five customers ready to start deploying the integrated product. Many organizations no longer have a single web site, Brown explains, we are seeing multiple, geographically distributed sites built to provide follow the sun service. What Resonate does is allow you to do traffic management and availability management and load management of web farms. What we do is we layer over that. For example, if an extranet application resides on three HTML servers, one SAP order fulfillment server and an Oracle database, FullTime can present the resources distributed across those processors as single application. What’s more it can replicate data across multiple points of presence. I can update and evolve that application and I don’t have to worry about getting out of synch, says Brown. FullTime, formerly Qualix, recently announced a similar partnership with Legato. Brown says a number of other such deals are on their way.