Beyond Software Inc, the San Jose, California-based web server developer has moved to Europe and established its first non-US office in the UK. At the moment the company’s sole European staff member is new recruit Roger Puttick, who has joined Beyond as director of European sales from Sybase Inc. Beyond specializes in transforming legacy applications on the mainframe, and while the new office forms its first base in Europe, the company already has customers and partners, including IBM Corp, Cap Gemini SA and Aonix Inc (CI No 3,163) in Europe. Beyond is a privately held- venture funded operation that employs 25 staff. The company was established in 1995 and while it has no plans to go public at the moment, Puttick says it is likely that it will happen at some time in the future. Aside from Europe and the US, Beyond has customers in Asia and Australia as well, and claims to have distributors in most countries across the world. It is also in the process of establishing a base in Japan, and will work with its partners to help achieve this. Although Puttick is the only person in the Amersham, Buckinghamshire office at the moment, there are plans to employ more sales and support staff in the not too distant future. The company is keen to grow and is striving to achieve dominance in the world wide legacy transformation market. Puttick believes technological advances, especially the wide-scale adoption of the internet has enabled small companies to grow much faster than they have previously done in the past, because products and services can be sold over the internet.