Sun Microsystems Inc, invited onto the launch podium at Intel Corp’s Xeon event in Santa Clara, California yesterday, was claiming a victory over its rival Santa Cruz Operation Inc, saying it was the only non-Microsoft operating system highlighted by Intel at the launch. Sun fielded a SPECweb96 web server benchmark for Solaris it claimed had beaten any previously published results, on any hardware platform. The benchmark came in at 7,781 SPECweb96 HTTP operations per second. Unfortunately, those results meant that Sun had to suffer lots of asides from Intel that Xeon was outperforming its own SPARC RISC chip. Meanwhile SCO, which concentrated its own marketing efforts on the superior support of UnixWare 7 for Intel’s new Extended Server Memory Architecture, which theoretically takes it up to 64Gb with 36-bit addressing, said it had its own database oriented benchmarks in progress that would be released in due course.