Meta4, a Spanish developer of web and component-based software for human resource and knowledge management, is seeking a listing on Easdaq, the Brussels-based stock market for hi-tech companies. The Madrid-based company, with offices in the US, Germany, France, Portugal, Argentina, Mexico and Chile, plans to precede the listing with an initial public offering.

This will involve 3.6 million new shares, with the price range expected to be between 12 and 14 euros ($12.51-$14.60). Since the company will have 23 million shares outstanding on completion of the IPO, the offering will value it at $288m-$336m. Lead manager of the offering will be BancBoston Robertson Stephens, with the Spanish bank Argentaria and the Netherlands’ ING Barings as co-leads.

The company’s flagship product is Meta4Mind, a suite of programs offering payroll, benefits, strategic human resources and knowledge management. It has a component-based architecture, comprising self-contained parcels of business logic and data called Meta4 Objects.