Lawson Software Inc says it has beaten Peoplesoft Inc to a major contract with Minneapolis-based HealthPartners Inc, one of the largest health maintenance organizations (HMOs) in the US. The $1.4bn organization has licensed Lawson’s Insight II series of financial applications. Healthcare is one of Lawson’s original key vertical markets for ERP software, along with retail, supplemented earlier this year by four new markets – financial services, professional services, public sector and wholesale distribution (CI No 3,651).

Lawson is also working on the development of a Healthcare Buyer Service Center e-business procurement portal based on SEAport, a set of tools to build an enterprise information portal around its Insight II products. SEAport, announced back in June, is designed to produce browser-based applications that are easy to use, called by Lawson Self-Evident Applications. It is partnering with healthcare online trading networks such as Premier Inc, and the Allegiance Healthcare Corp to supply the needed content for the Healthcare Buyer Service Center, which is due out by the end of the year.

At a healthcare conference in San Francisco this week, Lawson introduced a new Pharmacy Supply Chain Management system as a new module of Insight II. And earlier in the month, Lawson said it had partnered with Usinternetworking Inc to deliver Insight II to customers via USi’s Internet Managed Applications Provider service.