Twitter search

The microblogging site has announced it is revamping its search experience in order to make searching simpler for its users.

Twitter’s improved service includes search auto complete as well as improvements to related query suggestions and more relevant search results. This will be handy if users are trying to follow hashtags for events or looking for certain Twitter accounts.

The spelling correction feature will automatically show results if a term is misspelled. The new search features also include improved "real name" searches. For example when searching for ‘Jeremy Lin’ you’ll see Twitter results that include the person’s real name and their Twitter account username.

Twitter search

Users also have the option of seeing Tweets on a topic from only people they follow.

"We’re constantly working to make Twitter search the simplest way to discover what’s happening in real time," said Frost Li, an engineer on Twitter’s search and relevance team, in a blog post. "These updates make it even easier to immediately get closer to the things you care about."

The new features will also be available on Twitter for iPhone and Android.

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