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The facial recognition software company became established in 2009 after gaining popularity with its Photo finder and Photo tagging applications.

In March 2010 Face.com released an open Application Programming Interface (API) which allowed third party app developers to integrate the software with their own applications and services. Developers had free access to all of Face.com’s technology.

It was less than a month ago that Facebook acquired Face.com and Girl Hirsh, the founder of Face.com said that Face.com’s developer community would continue to be supported.

"Now, lots of developers use Face.com technology to power various apps and make wonderful products," said Hirsh in a blog post. "We love you guys, and the plan is to continue to support our developer community. If there are new developments you can expect to hear from us here, on the developer blog, and through our developer newsletter."

Yet, many developers will soon no longer have access to Face.com’s technology.

According to the Next Web, Face.com has been informing developers that the APIs will be shutdown within a month.

"We’re excited to move forward to work with all our friends at Facebook. Part of this process includes closing down other products and services that we are no longer able to support, and this includes the Face.com developers API," reads the message.

Face.com’s facial recognition iPhone app, KLIK, has also been taken off the social network’s app store.

KLIK app users have until July 20th to access and retrieve their photos.

"You can download photos you’ve been tagged in and photos you took with KLIK until July 20th, 2012," reads an announcement on KLIK’s site.

"After this Face.com will dispose of the data we collect in connection with your use of the KLIK app and will not be migrating data to Facebook. All you data will be deleted-no exceptions."

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