Integrated Computer Solutions Inc (ICS), the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based vendor of tools for developing Motif graphical user interfaces (GUI) for Unix, has unveiled a new version of its flagship Builder Xcessory PRO software that makes it possible to develop an application on any of the main Unix platforms, then deploy it anywhere. ICS president Peter Winston said the company sells to corporate end users such as Disney, which uses Unix both to develop some of its animated features and manage its theme parks, and Lockheed, which uses Unix in the ground control for the Hubble satellite or for the Space Station Freedom. By forming a strategic alliance with Santa Cruz Operation (SCO), ICS can now offer the facility of developing an application on Unix, with version 5.0 of Builder Xcessory, then deploying it anywhere throughout a company via SCO’s Tarantella APPs delivery software. Meanwhile another alliance, with DataFocus, means that a Motif GUI can now be run without the need for recompilation on Windows.