– Microsoft Corp’s cross-examination team cut short its questioning of Felten not long after it became clear the Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson had become annoyed with Heiner’s line of questioning which appeared to be directed at getting Felten to make a slip of the tongue. The judge voiced astonishment when he learnt that Microsoft had modified its product (namely the Windows Update site) so that it made the prototype removal program incompatible with the web site even after it had reviewed Felten’s program and after Felten had written his testimony,

– Some in Washington are suggesting that Professor Edward Felten’s prototype removal program should be made publicly available, given that it was created using tax payers’ money. Government lead attorney David Boies said that if the government wins its case then OEMs could use it and Felten may have a business.

– The US Government is coming to the end of its case against Microsoft Corp and after yesterday’s testimony was cut short by Microsoft, there are expected to be just two further days of video-taped testimonies from Bill Gates and other industry CEOs. Around a third of Gates’ entire deposition will have been used by the end of the Government’s case. Microsoft will begin presenting its witnesses early in 1999. รก