Cloud-focused business software and services company UNIT4 has released 35 role-based, turnkey and rapidly-installed business intelligence (BI) apps through company’s Solution Store.

The first series of applications are designed to solve nine categories of repetitive challenges, risks and/or opportunities experienced by specific roles across the entire organisation.

The company said its new apps reinvent the enterprise software analytics market by changing the way new BI applications will be purchased, deployed and consumed.

The new Business Analytic Apps offer a targeted path to BI for employees at any role in the organisation. They are also affordable for smaller and mid-sized organisations.

UNIT4 Business Analytic Apps can be ordered via the online UNIT4 Solution Store and can be up-and-running within two days priced from just six dollars per user /per month.

The 35 role-based business intelligence (BI) apps are currently available for UNIT4’s Agresso and Coda Financials customers and extends the company’s change-centric value proposition.

Customers of the new UNIT4 Business Analytic Apps will be able to use any internet-connectable device to enter the UNIT4 Solution Store.

The customers can now will be able to search for applications based on role or requirement, order pay-for-use applications, add wish list applications for future needs, rate apps and join the social collaboration comment stream.

Once initiated, the Store order automates contact by a consulting team that organizes any further configuration.

UNIT4 makes it possible for customers to add and configure applications themselves, independent of any external consultancy needs, by offering a four day "Do It Yourself" knowledge transfer programme.