Hong Kong-based IT services provider PCCW Solutions has selected IBM PureSystems as the foundation for its new Enterprise Solutions Superstore, an online environment for independent software vendors (ISVs) to offer cloud-based applications using a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model.

IBM PureFlex, a member of the PureSystems series, will be utilised by PCCW to launch the new Enterprise Solutions Superstore and serve enterprise customers for cloud services customised to their needs.

PCCW Solutions managing director George Fok said they are seeing a very strong market demand with customers looking for simpler, easy-to-implement offerings that will quickly return their investment.

"IBM PureFlex addresses our need for a fully integrated and optimised infrastructure that radically simplifies computing to ensure high quality services and an enhanced customer experience," Fok added.

IBM has integrated all of the technology components, including compute, virtualised servers, storage, networking, and cloud management software, into the the PureSystems series to enable customers to turn on private cloud systems in less time.

With the implementation of the IBM offering, PCCW Solutions intends to tap the growing public cloud services market in Hong Kong, which researches say is growing at a compound annual growth rate of 40%.

PCCW, through this SaaS model, will be able to help clients of all sizes improve their time-to-market with new offerings that help maximise their operational efficiency and drive business transformation, IBM said.

IBM PureFlex will enable PCCW Solutions to maximise existing server capacity, while allowing for a more flexible allocation of IT resources that can respond to fluctuating workloads, and help customers to combine Web development tools in a secure way.

IBM China/Hong Kong general manager Tony Tai said, "With PureSystems, we have reduced the cost and complexity of IT management, essentially changing the economics of IT and have delivered on the true promise of the cloud."