Data security
Photo Credit: David Goehring

2011 marked numerous high profile security breaches after hacking groups publically attacked Sony, the FBI, Citigroup, and dozens of other companies and government departments.

According to research by The Bunker, 67% of UK organizations are more aware for the need of data security after the string of high profile security breaks, but half have not addressed the issue.

Nearly 40% of Senior IT professionals consider at least one area of their security ineffective with data loss and employee access to sensitive information among one of the leading risks.

"Many businesses fail to give security the attention it deserves until they themselves have been the victim of a breach," says Peregine Newton, CEO of The Bunker. "Yet by this point the impact will often already have been devastating in both reputational and financial terms."

Many companies reported their security risks have remained the same or increased.

"In a difficult financial climate it’s imperative that organisations heed the warnings of previous well-publicised attacks on their peers," says Newton.

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