By William Fellows

Hewlett-Packard Co believes it has already put a firm down- payment on next-generation or post e-business markets by betting on internet chapter 2, the dynamic brokering of services into applications and appliances. IBM’s challenge is to leverage its E-Business credentials into a future world in which e-business is a done deal and inhabited by a new generation of netizens. Morphing E-Busines into new services, business and infrastructure markets would be an obvious direction.

HP says E-Business is chapter 1 of the internet. That’s why we chose E-Services, says chief marketing officer Nick Earle. Both Sun and IBM have picked a chapter 1 moniker for their Net strategy. Nothing wrong with that but what does E-Business or We’re the Dot in Dotcom mean to a 17-25 year old netizen? Both imply big companies building infrastructure.