Toshiba has developed a low power control technology for microcontrollers that support multi-sensor wearable devices.

Toshiba said that when the new power control technology was applied to an activity monitoring application on the TZ1001MBG MCU, it achieved a 31% reduction in power consumption.

According to the Japanese multinational, power-saving technologies are essential for battery-operated wearable devices with a battery that is physically small.

According to Toshiba, the technology is capable of gathering separate data acquisitions from multiple sensors to reduce the frequency of the mode transition, which will also help reduce power consumption from mode transitions.

Toshiba has also developed an aggregating method that optimises timing of data acquisition to suppress failures.

Toshiba said: "To evaluate the method, Toshiba ran an activity monitoring application on TZ1001MBG. The result showed a 31% power reduction, proving efficient power saving technology. Toshiba has now embedded this technology into TZ1000 series MCU."