With growing BYOD trends, 75 million wearable devices will be deployed in workplaces between 2014 and 2020, to improve productivity, encourage collaboration and make workplaces safe.

According to a report from market intelligence firm Tractica, smart watches will be the largest category of wearables in the workplace, followed by fitness trackers and smart glasses.

The analysts said that wearable devices have started making an impact on work life after making an impact on personal lives. The wearable adoption in workplaces would be largely driven by corporate wellness programmes, the report revealed.

Over the next five years, companies will deploy wearables devices in both corporate enterprise environments and in industrial settings.

Tractica research director Aditya Kaul said, "The use of wearables in the enterprise will include devices that are part of the ‘bring your own wearable’ (BYOW) trend, as well as fitness trackers or smart watches provided by employers as part of their corporate wellness programmes.

"Wearables in industrial environments, on the other hand, will revolve around a different set of use cases altogether, including areas such as oil and gas, mining, aerospace, warehouse, engineering services, transport/logistics, field maintenance, and mobile workforce management."