Google has reaffirmed its commitment to driverless cars, saying that they expect the cars to hit roads in the next five years.

Speaking during the TED Conference in Vancouver director of Self-Driving Cars at Google Chris Urmson said "Throughout the history of the car, we’ve been working around the least reliable part of the car: the driver.

"Every year, 1.2 million people are killed on roads around the world. And there are two approaches to using machines to help solve that problem: driver assistance systems, which help make the driver better, and self-driving cars, which take over the art of driving."

With many auto makers developing self driving cars which will be assisted by driver, Urmson said that the company will be developing a fully self driving car without any assistance from driver.

"That is not to say that driver-assistance cars won’t be useful but if we are really going to make changes to our cities, get rid of parking lots, we need self-drive cars."

The driverless car being developed can independently handle all types of situations. Urmson added, "We’re looking forward to having this technology on the road."