UK-based vacuum cleaner maker Dyson is investing $15m in solid-state battery maker Sakti3.

According to reports, the investment will provide Dyson rights to exclusively manufacture and use Sakti3’s powerful batteries in its existing products and in new products within the next three years.

As part of the investment, Dyson has reportedly entered into a joint development agreement, to commercialise Sakti3’s solid-state battery technology, which is expected to double smartphone battery life and allow electric cars to drive over 600 miles on a single charge, reported the Guardian.

According to Sakti3 founder Ann Marie Sastry, the lithium-ion batteries that are made by the company are a safer version of those in current use in phones, laptops, and vehicles.

According to the battery maker, its lithium-ion batteries consist of solid lithium electrodes rather than the generally used liquid electrolyte that can degrade overtime and cause fires.

The Financial Times cited Dyson founder Sir James Dyson as saying: "It’s the most promising [battery] technology we’ve come across.

"If you add that sort of battery to our digital motors you create a power pack that you just couldn’t have imagined a year or two ago."

Previously, the UK-based company revealed plans to invest £1bn towards research and development over the next four years to expand its product offerings.

Presently, there are no vacuum cleaners manufactured by Dyson that runs on batteries.