Help desk software vendor Remedy Corp says it has struck a deal to acquire privately-held Fortress Technologies Inc, a consulting firm focused on asset management. Financial details were not disclosed. Mountain View, California-based Remedy says it already has over 1,200 asset management installations to date and has expanded its practice in the area by tripling its staff of enterprise consultants prior to the acquisition. Excluding goodwill, Remedy says that it expects no material one-time charges, and also that no dilution to 1999 earnings per share is expected.

Remedy says that as it searched for a firm with asset management expertise for a possible acquisition, customers and analysts consistently pointed it to Fortress. The company asserts that as a result of the deal consultants and partners will now be able to offer a complete set of lifecycle services to analyze customers’ IT management infrastructure and identify opportunities that improve overall IT operations. Areas of emphasis will include asset acquisition, risk management, change management, vendor management, software management, financial management, infrastructure planning, laptop management and lease management.