Hitachi Ltd says it will increase the number of CPUs supported in its SR8000 supercomputer to 512 from 128 now, which will send performance to 6.1Tflops, up from 0.87Tflops. If no one comes up with anything bigger in the meantime, the system will send Hitachi to the top of the world’s of highest performing supercomputer sites. Intel Corp’s 9,472 ASCI Red system performs 2.1Tflops. The University of Tokyo’s SR8000 is now in fourth place. The new SR8000 will offer 12Gflops performance per node. Memory capacity is 16Gb per node. Nihon Keizai Shimbun reports that Hitachi wants to sell 120 SR8000 systems over three years. The SR8000 brought Japan back into the top ten supercomputer sites earlier this year. A four-node system costs $84,000 a month to rent. รก