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The attack from Anonymous comes after Virgin Media followed a court order to block its users from accessing The Pirate bay, the fire sharing site.

Anonymous had previously attacked several US Government websites for taking down a similar website, Megaupload, earlier this year under accusations that the company had cheated copyright holders out of a hefty $500m.


Virgin Media is the first ISP in the UK to block the bittorrent site after orders from the High Court last week when The Pirate Bay was found guilty of assistance to copyright infringement.

"In my judgment, the operators of TPB do authorise its users’ infringing acts of copying and communication to the public," said Justice Arnold. "They go far beyond merely enabling or assisting. On any view, they sanction, approve, and countenance the infringements of copyright committed by its users."

The block has affected millions of Virgin Media customers whom if they try to access the site will see a notice that says,

"Sorry, the web page you have requested is not available through Virgin Media. Virgin media has received an order from the Courts requiring us to prevent access to this site."

Anonymous claimed ownership of taking down the Virgin Media Website on Tuesday stating because the company is involved in censoring The Pirate Bay.

Anonymous Tweet

Virgin Media told The Register that as an ISP it needs to comply with court orders.

"Our website, virginmedia.com, has been the subject of denial of service attacks so we took the site offline for a short period of time, the company said. "We’re aware some groups are claiming the attacks are a result of the recent High Court order which requires ISPs to prevent access to The Pirate Bay."

"As a responsible ISP, Virgin Media complies with court orders but we strongly believe that tackling the issue of copyright infringement needs compelling legal alternatives, giving consumers access to great content at the right price, to help change consumer behaviour."

Greg Mead, CEO of Musicmetric, says that copyright infringement causes the industry to lose over £1bn a year in sales.

"While illegal downloads can encourage fans to then buy merchandise or gig tickets, particularly in new or emerging markets, the loss of sales costs the industry more than £1bn a year in the UK and more than five times that in the USA," said Mead.

Mead says he is uncertain if the methods that the ISPs are using to block access to the Pirate Bay website will actually have any effect.

"It remains to be seen if the DNS blocking methods used by the ISPs will be effective in reducing access to The Pirate Bay or other sites," said Mead.

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