US advanced television specialist, OpenTV Inc, has won an unnamed client for its interactive television software. OpenTV has formed a new working relationship with real time operating systems company, Microware Systems Corp, for the project. Microware will provide its OS-9 based David system software on which Open TV’s middleware software will sit. OpenTV is making inroads in the European digital television market. The company annonced a $15m- plus deal to supply its software platform to British Interactive Broadcasting, the BskyB led Interactive TV project last year. And in December Swedish cable television company, Telia Infomedia Television AB, decided to use OpenTV’s software platform for the delivery of its newly launched digital interactive services. This is the first time it has worked with Microware and OpenTV said that the agreement means that its software now supports 80% of the real time operating systems available. Other key operating systems it already supports include Windriver Systems Inc’s IxWorks and ISI’s PSOS. One possible candidate for OpenTV’s software would be the NTL Inc/Elmsdale Media duo. Hoping to take on the big guys at British Sky Broadcasting, US cable company NTL announced back in September that it was working with London-based Elmsdale Media on a pilot trial of digital on demand services and plans to offer some kind of services this spring. Elmsdale Media is due to make an announcement about its service in the next few weeks.